The Justification Trap

by Honore Rudolph Jaam Fon
(Bamenda Cameroon)

Successful people have one secret that makes them overcome the same obstacles that their friends can't. ...PERSISTENCE!

On the contrary, FAILURES have one TRAP hat makes them stay where they are and never move ahead, even when their obstacles give way. THE JUSTIFICATION TRAP!

Open your eyes, before you shut them in tears. Look at the people with whom you used to suffer back in the days. Where are they today? Where are you today. Didn't you all face the same obstacles, the same difficulties, the same circumstances?

Stop saying the same ol cliche and remaining in the garbage.

The Cameroonian government doesn't have to change for you to get the job you are craving for....America doesn't have to change its immigration policies for you to be a successful person in life.

Brothers, Sisters, snap out of the JUSTIFICATION TRAP and practice the ART OF PERSISTENCE. It is nothing so mysterious. It is just the habit of trying again with various approaches till you ACHIEVE UR DREAMS. Its about finding one reason why you will make it against the 101 reasoned why you should fail or why you failed.

Honore R Jaam Fon

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